Your money will be immediately received and available for you to use as soon as we receive your return. We will apply the refund to a purchase voucher in your Bulevip account. You will be able to see the balance of your gift voucher in your Bulevip account.
This coupon does not expire. We remind you that in your account in the section "My discount vouchers"You can also consult it. We leave you answered three of the most frequently asked questions:
- How can you redeem it? It is very simple, you just have to insert it in the detail of your cart in the "COUPONS" field and click on OK, in this way it will be discounted automatically.
- Does it accumulate to all discount coupons? Yes, it is cumulative with all codes and offers.
- Is it compatible with the balance of the exclusive Bulevip card? Yes, it is compatible.
On the other hand, if you opt for the economic refund, keep in mind that the application of your refund to your credit or debit card delays access to your funds because we first have to contact your bank after receiving your refund, and then the bank it takes 5-7 business days to process the refund before it is applied to your account.